Title : Gender and Sexuality in ASEAN Literature: Thai, Lao and Vietnamese Contexts


Title : Gender and Sexuality in ASEAN Literature:
Thai, Lao and Vietnamese Contexts

Author : Orathai Piayura

This qualitative research aimed to study the sexuality of male and female characters presenting in the ASEAN Literature by Thai, Lao and Vietnamese authors. Data were collected from the short stories
composed by the authors of the three nations. The focus was on the SEA Write Awarded Literature with the themes of gender and sexualities. The selected literature was analyzed by gender and sexuality theoretical frameworks. The study found that all of the selected stories reflected the different sexual attitudes of men
and women in contemporary societies. The analysis revealed that despite the different political ideologies and social contexts, Thai, Lao and Vietnamese societies share the similarities value of monogamy on the aspect of female sexuality. Although the modern societies were found to be more open about sexual issues,
polygamy and sexual promiscuous were still not being presented as acceptable value in Thai, Lao and Vietnamese societies. Female Sexualities were presented with conventional ideologies. On the aspect of male sexuality, “good men‟ were expected to have control over their sexual desire whilst “bad men‟ spoiled themselves and treated sexual activity as a power game.

Link : http://www.conscientiabeam.com/…/2014-(414-418)-ICBSSS…

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