ASEAN Studies Centre and Naresuan University.

Launched at Zoom meeting, Ven. Chirawat Kantawanno, Director of ASEAN Studies Centre took a part as the chair of the meeting on ASC-NU Executive Meeting, August 11,2023.
The meeting commenced with the welcome remark by Dr.Charatdao Kongmuang, Vice President for Student Development, Alumni and Arts and Culture and followed by presentation on ASEAN Studies Centre’s vision and policy by Ven. Aphichet Somkamsri, Acting Director of Administration.
In addition, Dr. Lamphong Klomkol, Acting Director of Research, Information and Academic Service discussed the future collaborative plan and projects among ASEAN Studies Centre and Naresuan University.
It was also discussed about a possibility for supporting staff, teacher and initiative to preserve culture and intangible cultural heritage of ASEAN community.
The success of the meeting proved the innovative capacity of enterprises and networks, and its bright new chapters of both universities.
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Aphichet Somkamsri

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